About: This page

This page is a program I have developed to display collections of images automatically from a number of folders without having to edit any files.
This makes a web site very low maintenance with correspondingly low cost as the owner can easily manage a large and changing collection of images, captions and text without third party assistance and associated ongoing charges. The program is supported by all web hosts with no special requirements or costs and may be placed anywhere on your website.
Simply upload folders of images, include a list of captions in a single text file and the program will add the collection automatically to the menu at the top left of the screen so the user may select a collection of images to view. The captions are added automatically to each image along with the file count.
The program would be ideal for visual artists, particularly photographers, who would like to create a high impact website of full-screen images to showcase their work.
There would be a single payment to set this up for your website including support. There are no ongoing fees, licence fees or any other charges. I would be happy to discuss your requirements and any questions you may have.
A free trial is available as an introductory offer. Please contact me for details - peter@biddulph.org
Credits to respective owners of images appear below the menu. This program is developed from a slideshow released under a creative commons licence by Manos Malihutsakis - manos.malihu.gr.